March 31st, 2024

Upcoming Dates

4/1 Students Return to School

4/3 4th-6th Grade FAST Writing test

4/5 Literacy Workshop 11:00-12:00

Deadline to Register for Track Meet

See dates for future weeks on the Events page.

FAST Testing

The FAST Test is a computer adaptive test with around 40 questions with multiple steps.  Students have unlimited time to complete the test. When kids get questions right, the test gets harder. It is normal for kids to miss many of the questions. Kids should not be discouraged when they get an answer wrong. They should just take their time and do their best. You can see some sample test questions and test format for your grade here: For more information on the test design, please visit

Kindergarten-2 Grades will take the Renaissance Star Reading, and Star Math assessments. Each test is less than 30 minutes. Sample test items at home at  

The first tests of the year were for practice and progress monitoring (PM1 & PM2). These final tests of the year (PM3) will measure your student's preparedness for the next grade. Test scoring goes from 1-5. Students should achieve a score of at least 3 if they are prepared for the next grade. 

The best preparation is daily instruction and attendance. On testing days, make sure your student gets a good night of sleep, eats a healthy breakfast, starts the day on a positive note, and arrives on time. If your student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for him or her to wait and be tested on a make-up day. Please do not schedule appointments on testing days:

4-6th 4/3 Writing

K-2nd 4/16 ELA
K-2nd 4/17 Math

3-6th 5/1 ELA

3-6th 5/2 Math

5th 5/8  Science 

Students with accommodations may be tested on an alternate date due to scheduling.

Family Literacy Workshop

Brevard Schools Foundation is pleased to offer a free literacy workshop on April 5th for parents or caregivers of an elementary school student. This workshop will provide easy strategies to help with reading.  They will provide each attendee with a FREE lunch.  They will also have free books and door prizes! 

Anyone in the community is welcome to attend.  

Space is limited, so register soon at

 Elementary Track Meet 

The Melbourne Parks and Rec Department is teaming up with the area elementary schools to host the Annual Melbourne City Elementary Track Meet at Eau Gallie High School on Saturday, April 13th starting at 8:00 am.  

Hard copy packets are available at school, or you can print them at home and send them in as well. Turn in your registration packet by April 5th.

Homeschool kids who live in our area can register through Mr. Armstrong as well.

Crusin' Vana Ice Cream Party!

Classes from each grade who raised the second most money for Jog-a-thon earned an Ice Cream Party! Thank you to Cruisin' Vana for providing ice cream!

Sign Up for Parent Lunch

We are excited to be offering this two days a week for the remainder of the school year.  Parents may select a day, Tuesday or Friday, to come and have lunch with their child.  Be sure to arrive a few minutes prior to your child's lunch time.  Parents must have their ID (Driver's License or other approved forms of ID and will sign in through the office.  Students will need to return to class at the regularly scheduled time.  We request parents do not check out their child on Fridays at the end of the lunch period.  Due to limited space, it is important parents sign up if they would like to come and have lunch with their child.  

Parental involvement is so important to the success of Indialantic Elementary!

Treasurer's Report

At our annual Jog-a-thon fundraiser we made more than enough to continue to fund our yearly budget, so at the March PTO meeting we voted to do more school beautification projects with vinyl covers for school windows, music playground landscaping, new curtains on the stage, and another mural on the street side of the media center. There are always more projects to work on, so we would be thrilled if you decide to donate any time. 

Teachers, please fill out a Superfund Request to be considered for financial support for a special project from the PTO:

You can see the Treasurer's Report with line by line details of the programs we have budgeted for and funded this year by clicking here

School Meals

Make sure to load your student's account with money if you wish to buy school lunch.  Find out about adding money to at

Applications for free and reduced-priced meals can be found here:

If you have any news or announcements that will benefit the parents, teachers or students of Indialantic Elementary, please send your article to for consideration.